My News
03/April 2022
Hi to all my visitors who have been visiting my website. I hope you like what you see here.
Apologies for the unforeseen circumstances that delayed me in setting up my Blog. I hope to write a blog regularly to keep in touch with you.
Do leave an email address for an invite to exhibitions and my mailing list. Message me if you have any questions about my work, I will address your query in a future blog or send you a message.
Today I would like to tell you a little about how an edition of prints is made.
For much of my career I have concentrated in Printmaking. All prints are created by the artist on a plate of Copper, Alluminium, Board or Perspex.
For every edition the plate is inked by the Artist. It should be identical to first edition unless it’s a variable print V/P which may be for e.g. a different colour.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Mary G.